A little blog about my dolls, toys and more.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

Review: Prince Bong-Gu Ddung Doll

4/11/2015 Posted by Lucy , , No comments
You may recall my recent post in which I reviewed the School Girl Ddung doll? Well this week I had a new arrival in the form of a Bong-Gu doll, who is in fact Ddung's little boyfriend :) The edition I received is Prince Bong-Gu, whom I got in the Luts sale with the School Girl Ddung.

The box he came in is much nicer than School Girl Ddung's. I think perhaps he was a more special edition or something. There is no window to see him inside the box but it is a much sturdier box and will be useful for storing things in. It has graphics of Ddung on the outside and a label at the top with Prince Bong-Gu on to identify him.

The inner part of the box slides out the top to reveal Prince Bong-Gu inside on a bed of shredded paper. Prince Bong-Gu himself and his crown and mask are in cellophane bags to protect them.
He comes with a fancy mask (for wearing to costume balls hehe!) and a crown, both of which have elastic on them to keep them on his head and face. They are nice and glittery but it doesn't seem to come off too much which is a good thing. The crown has a few plastic jewels on it too.
Here are some pictures of Bong-Gu with the crown and mask on. I don't think I will use them both at the same time very often as its a bit much, but they look super cute on him individually :)
He wears a cape which fastens at the front with ribbon tied in a bow, a little jacket, and a one piece suit made to look like a top and pants. He has the same posing abilities as School Girl Ddung so I won't go into detail about that here.
Prince Bong-Gu doesn't have plastic shoes, they are made of fabric; which is a shame, especially as they have stained his little feet :( He does come with a stand however, which is nice as School Girl Ddung did not. He is a real cutie though and is a welcome addition to my little Ddung/Bong-Gu family. Hopefully I will be able to take some more creative shots of them soon.


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